Services for Businesses

Business Solutions.

Employee Benefits are the practical way that employees achieve financial freedom beyond their earning years, and peace of mind in preparing for life’s uncertainties.

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An Employee Benefits Design, based on experienced professional advice helps your employees thrive.

For companies seeking to empower their employees on their journey to financial freedom, Sustainable Wealth Management sets itself apart as a unique provider in South Africa. We prioritise education, communicating in multiple languages and considering cultural nuances that influence how we manage our finances.

Committed to a prosperous country, we aim to have a socio-economic impact by providing strategic solutions and services, while ensuring that companies retain talent and meet their corporate mandates.

Employers can choose the benefits offered and the amount of protection they want to provide to their employees. Select benefits are underpinned by Vitality, which enables employees to receive additional rewards and wellness benefits.

Bespoke Employee Benefits Design

Attract The Right Talent

Reduce Employee Turnover 

Financial Wellbeing 

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Group Pension & Provident Funds

We offer tailored pension and provident retirement fund solutions under an umbrella fund arrangement that encourage employees to reach their retirement goals with unique rewards, benefits and digital engagement.

Our solutions drive healthy savings behaviour by motivating employees to save more, for longer, and manage their health and wellness. When they do this, we are able to reward their behaviour by adding boosts to their retirement savings.

Our solutions can be tailored to the unique needs of your business. You can choose between a standard or customised package and employees make their own choices about retirement contributions and investment funds.

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Group Medical Aid

Offering your employees the benefit of a medical aid is something that all employers should be looking into. You will find that their loyalty, productivity, and morale improve once they know that they have proper support in place for medical emergencies.

This goes a long way to position your organisation as a caring employer. It contributes towards a higher degree of employee engagement, including lower absenteeism and increased productivity within the company.

We offer the widest range of medical aid plans available in the market, catering to your employees' specific healthcare and financial needs. Our plans range from the most comprehensive private healthcare cover on our Executive Plan to our KeyCare plans, which offers cost-effective private healthcare through our extensive networks.

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